National Squib South Coast Championship

Weymouth Sailing Club

14 th – 15 th September 2024


1 Organising Authority
1.1 The Organising Authority (OA) is Weymouth Sailing Club (WSC) in association with the National Squib
Owners Association (NSOA). It should be noted that this event is being staged as an integral part of
Weymouth Sailing Club’s ‘All Classes’ End of Summer regatta. Whilst the Squib racing will have
separate Squib class starts, it is not a standalone Squib event.
1.2 The event is the National Squib South Coast Championship from here on referred to as “the regatta”.
2 Rules
2.1 The regatta will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and the
Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) of World Sailing, and the National Squib Class Rules except as any of
the foregoing are altered by the Notice of Race (NoR) or Sailing Instructions (SI) and any other
applicable rules.
2.2 The byelaws, etc. of Weymouth Harbour and Portland Harbour, available at www.weymouth- will apply.
2.3 Squib Class Rule C.10.2(b) will apply.
“On days when more than one race is scheduled more than one spinnaker may be carried on board.
Spinnakers may not be changed while racing.”

2.4 Where there is a conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Sailing
Instructions shall prevail. This changes RRS 63.7
2.5 Sailing instructions (SI) may change other rules in accordance with RRS 86.1(b).
3 Regatta Venue
3.1 The regatta will be hosted by WSC and sailed in Weymouth Bay
3.2 During the regatta boats will be berthed in Weymouth Harbour.
3.4 Craning in & out will take place at WSC.
4 Advertising
4.1 Competitors may be required to display advertising material chosen and supplied by the OA in
accordance with ISAF Regulation 20.3 (d)(i).
4.2 The use of ‘AQL spinnakers’ is permitted.
5 Eligibility
5.1 The regatta is open to all boats of the National Squib Class.
5.2 The owner and the registered helm of the boat shall be members of the NSOA.

6 Conditions of Entry
6.1 Each boat shall hold adequate insurance cover which shall include third party indemnity of not less than
£3,000,000 for the duration of the regatta.
6.2 Each boat shall hold a valid measurement certificate.
6.3 Any competitor under 18 years of age on 14 th Sept. 2024 shall submit a Parent / Guardian authorisation
available on the entry form. The authorisation shall be provided to the OA at Registration.
6.4 Attention is drawn to NoR 19, ‘Risk Statement’ and the liability conditions on the entry form. These and
other conditions of entry shall be accepted at Registration.
7 Entry
7.1 Limitation of Entry
7.1.1 Visitor entries (Boats not listed on the WSC boat register and Helm not a member of WSC) will be
restricted to a maximum of 20 boats.
7.1.2 Applications for entry will be accepted in the order in which the online entry AND fee is received.
7.2 Fees
7.2.1 The entry fee (for non WSC members) for completed entries received before 6 th September will be £40
which includes cranage and berthing in Weymouth Harbour.
7.2.2 Entries received on or after 6 th September maybe accepted subject to an additional late entry fee of £20.
7.3 Entry Procedure
7.3.1 Competitors may enter using the online entry form at The webpage sets out
the entry procedure and online method of payment. Entrants encountering any difficulties should
contact the OA at
7.3.2 Late entries. A boat may enter at registration, however competitors who have not entered are advised to
contact the OA before travelling to the regatta.
8 Schedule and location of regatta, time of last warning signal
8.1 Schedule

Friday 13th

1000 – 1800 Craning in at WSC
1400 – 1800 Registration
From 1800 Social activities @ WSC including “tender racing”

Saturday 14th

0800 – 0930 Craning in by special request
0900 – 1000 Registration
0930 Competitiors’ Briefing
1100 Earliest warning signal for a maximum of 2 races
From 1600 Evening social activities @ WSC

Sunday 15th
1025 Earliest warning signal for a maximum of 2 races
1400 Latest warning signal
1400 Proze giving at WSC
After all racing completed

9 Registration
9.1 All entrants shall register at the race office located at WSC at the times stated in NoR 8.1
9.2 To complete registration entrants shall:-

  • Sign a completed entry form and complete any other documentation required by the OA.
  • Pay any outstanding entry fees.

10 Measurement
10.1   Each  boat  shall  hold  a  valid  measurement  certificate  and  produce  it  if  requested  by  the 
Race  Committee (RC).      
10.2    Except  with  the  prior  permission  of  the  RC, all boats shall display their correct sail number on their
mainsail and spinnaker.
10.3   The  RC  and/or  the  Protest  Committee  may  weigh,  measure  or  inspect  any  boat,  equipment 
and  sails  before,  during  or  after  the  races,  to  ensure  conformity  with   the  Class  Rules. 

11 Sailing instructions
11.1 Sailing instructions will be posted at by 6 th September 2024.
11.2 No hard copy documents, other than protest forms, will be provided by the OA.
12 Course location.
Courses will be set in Weymouth Bay.
13 Scoring
13.1   Two races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
13.2   When fewer than 4 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her
race scores.
13.3   When 4 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her
race scores excluding her worst score.
14 Prizes
The  prize-giving  will  be  held  at  WSC  following  racing  on  Sunday  15th September 2024.

  1. Berthing
    Most visiting boats will be rafted on the WSC clubhouse pontoon and should bring sufficient
    warps and fenders to moor their boats securely.
  2. Haul-Out restrictions
    Boats  shall  not  be  hauled  out  during  the  regatta  except  for essential repairs.    
    17 Safety equipment
    In addition to the safety items required by class rules it is recommended that each boat shall carry a
    suitable compass and VHF radio.
    18 Radio, telephone, and electronic equipment
    18.1 The race committee may use VHF radio communications to broadcast information to competitors.
    18.2 Whilst racing, a boat shall neither make nor receive radio, telephone, or any electronic communications
    not available to all boats.

19 Risk Statement
19.1 Rule 3 of the RRS states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue
racing is hers alone.” The OA, Sponsors and organising stakeholders will not accept any liability for
material damage or personal injury, or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the
19.2 Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By
taking part in the regatta, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:
19.2.1 They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the
exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the regatta.
19.2.2 They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat, and their other property
whether afloat or ashore
19.2.3 They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss caused by their own actions or omissions
19.2.4 Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the regatta and they are fit to participate
19.2.5 The provision of a race management team, patrol boats and other officials and volunteers by the OA
does not relieve them of their own responsibilities
19.2.6 The provision of safety boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather
conditions, as can be practically provided in the prevailing circumstances
19.2.7 It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risks specific to this venue or this regatta
drawn to their attention in any rules and information produced for the venue or regatta and to attend any
safety briefing held for the regatta.
19.2.8 The fact that the race committee conducts inspections of a boat does not reduce the responsibilities of
each competitor set out in this NoR.
20 Data Protection and rights to use names and likenesses
20.1 In accordance with RYA guidance the personal information you provide to the OA will be used to
facilitate your participation in the regatta. If you have agreed to be bound by the RRS and the other rules
that govern the event (the rules), the legal basis for processing that personal information is contract. If
you are not bound by the rules, the legal basis for processing that personal information is legitimate
interest. Your personal information will be stored and used in accordance with the OA’s privacy policy.
When required by the rules, personal information may be shared with the RYA, NSOA and/or World
Sailing. The results of the event and the outcome of any hearing or appeal may be published.
20.2 Competitors automatically grant to the OA, and NSOA without payment the right in perpetuity to make,
use and show any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television of or relating to the

21 Additional information
Additional information to competitors, which does not constitute part of the Notice of Race, may be
found on the regatta website at
22 Contact Information
The OA may be contacted at or Weymouth Sailing Club, Nothe Parade, Weymouth,